Archives mensuelles : juillet 2024

PLAYLIST://25/07/2024 « Bardez vos tempes bardées »

Quietus, Sad Eyed Beatniks, Oneida, My Best Unbeaten Brother, Docents, Sham Family, Halley DNA, Dean Blunt, Nova Vernable, Driftmachine & Ammer, Amalie Dahl’s Dafnie, Oof, Liminal Intelligence, Snakey Dublay, The Judges, No Conscription League, Chandelier, Dim Bulbs, Excrusis, Ils, Gloop, Peace Monsters, Linens, What Kind Of Human I Have Become, The People Assembly

PLAYLIST://18/07/2024 « Konokokokono »

Borla, American Motors, Negative Gears, Screw, Vacuist, Chat Pile, Teeth Kids, Kokoko! Økse, Tryp Tich Tryo, Doza The Drum Dealer, Pan, Teens, Louse, A Place To Bury Strangers, Spoiled, Dopethrone, Soft Bait, Show Me The Body, Violence Gratuite, Caput Medusae

PLAYLIST://11/07/2024 « Latin des Villes, Latin des Chants »

Offcell, Lawns, Dead Things, Gnat Hatcher, The Higher Line, Rider/Horse, Mujahideen, The Cherry Pies, Ambassador Hazy, Nkisi, Klahrk, Shabazz Palaces, Silencio, Melt-Banana, Uniform, The third Sound, Cesar Quinn feat. Youniss, Haal, Famous, Teeth Kids, The Jesus Lizard, Oogl, Sex Swing

PLAYLIST://03/07/2024 « Au Coeur De L’Os »

Broccoli, Coffin Pricks, Lounge Tourist, Spraint, Brunsten, Crayola Lectern, D’En Haut, Økse, Nass El Ghiwane, Takkak Takkak, Bela, The Mad Walls, Germ House, The Drin, The Bug, Truck Violence, Upright Forms, Half Human, The All Mother, Dom Sensitive, Broken Telepathy, Borla, Nightshift, JRCG, Neon Lies
