Playlist ://08/04/08 « Duduk Attitude »

The Writhing Squares, Concrete Ships, Anxious Wave, The Big Nest, Michael Beach, Public Opinion, Civic, Hot Flowers, Toads, Floatie, Hadda Be, Imposition Man, Wombo, Hide, Grosso Gadgetto & Pink Room & Oddateee, Kanapee Morast, Francoiz Breut, Bloody Head, Froid Dub, Xiu Xiu, Trotski Nautique, Scow, LLRR, Carver, Skiftande Enheter, Mother Juno

PLAYLIST://01/04/2021 « On vous mèche »

Gentles, Nina Bulatovix, Sprints, Go Lamborghini Go, Tomahawk, Robert Rental, Dale Jenkins, Dan Sartain, FAuli Daily, Boris Sujdovic, The Drin, Concrete Ships, Facs, Zad Kokar & Les Combi Beyaz, Modern Technology, Ungraven, Louisahhh, Gran Bankrott, Mołr Drammaz, Slickback, Elegiac, El Michels Affair, Tomaga

PLAYLIST://25/03/2021 « Le disque a de bonnes chroniques sur Myspace »

Modern Ruin, Pauwels, Nag, 13th hole, Bibione, Lesch, Nonagon, Ex-Giant, The Pink Noise, Ari Balouzian, Meril Wubslin, Hideous Sun Demons, Spiritual Mafian Sex Tide, Repo Man, El Sob, Superfreak, Torn & Roho, Donna Haringwey, Stuyedeyed, Alexis Lumière, Plastci Psalms, Pressed, Home Less, Walk Home Drunk, Dew

PLAYLIST://18/03/2021 « Il Voit Des Ep Partout »

Seed, One Arm, Body Shame, The Dictaphone, Styrofoam Winos, Mosquitoes, Spiritual Mafia, Gaffer, Human Impact, Blackmail, Reymour, Child’s Pose, Stefan Christensen, Inês é Morta, Manic Maya, Rik van Boeckel, Odonis Odonis, Pensioner, Pelvi$$, The Anderson Tapes, Illiterates, Cube, Psychic Hotline, The Exaltics & Helena Hauff, Billy Bultheel, Vomito Negro

PLAYLIST://11/03/2021″Un Fort Impact à L’Ecoute »

Julian Teakle, Lyndon Blue , The Gary, Smirk, Sarcasm, Rats On Rafts, Yard Act, Modern Studies, Blessed, Facs, Whispering Sons, Debby Friday, Kvalia, Nom De Guerre, Negative Nancies, Tsirihaka Harrivel, Flower District, Varsovie, Opposite Sex , Stonethrower, Throth , Demons, Liberatore, BLKLN, Magicien Windows

PLAYLIST://04/03/2021 « I Can Brest »

Careen, Voice Imitator, Gary Indiana, Pedigree, Marauder, Nilotika Cultural Ensemble, Gängstgäng, Cabale, Brunsten, Portrayal Of Guilt, Paul Leary, Whitney K, ZX Electric, Future Faces, Slikback, Kojohar, Nightshift, EIEIEIO, Ragtime Franck and The Drivers, A$CII Dagger, Sun Gimp, Gaffa Bandana, Urine Hell, Valse Noot, Expert, Dataland

PLAYLIST://25/02/2021 « On ne va pas vous passer le meilleur morceau »

Boundaries, Prized Pig, Terrible Lovers, Eyecandy, Vautours, Bacchantes, Little Skull, Tendinite, TV Priest, Brame, Harpon, Conway The Machine & Big Ghots LTD, The Monday Program, My Jazzy Child, M.Caye Castagnetto Freak Genes, Last Quokka, Predator, Guirro Metts Russia, François Bernheim, Wet Specimen, Sarin, Lawnmowers, Flaming Tunes

PLAYLIST://18/02/2021 « Table Des Matières »

Anorak Patch, Grandmas House, Night Miasma, Public Body, Come Holy Spirit, Daggers, Great Falls, For Food, Skwats, Senyawa, Carnivorous Bells, Knowso , Life Savings, Al Wooton, Dataland, Germ House, Freak Genes, White Suns, MelmAC.Hello, Murena Murena, Daniel Paboeuf, Beige Banquet, Franco Divine, Ides, Ghédalia Tazartes

PLAYLIST://11/02/2021 « Dans Son Entièreté »

Divide & Dissolve, Palecoal, Salò, Carver, Dead Mammals, Institutrice, The Begotten, Lumer, Bobby Would, David Fenech & Klimperei, Jac Berrocal, David Fenech, Vincent Epplay, Freak Genes, Liquidarlo Celuloide, Ostseetraum, Palberta, Preening, Poison Rüin, Iss, Nopes, Carlo Onda, Rest In Gale, Ved, Party Dozen, Gravel Samwidge

PLAYLIST://04/02/2021 « Rétrocommissions 2020 »

Throth, A Shape, Flat Worms, Stuck, Deradoorian, Damaged Bug, Holy Tongue, Party Dozen, Budokan Boys, Cursed Murphy Versus the Resistance, Techno Thriller, Sex Swing, Shifting, Exhalants, Crash Material, Haus Arafna, La Chasse, Hystérie, Shady Nasty, Lump Hammer, Christophe
